There is nothing worse than having to hunt for that one makeup brush right when you need it. After you've done the job of selecting the right makeup brushes for you, it's time to consider how to store and care for them.Just like you have a designated place for your everyday makeup routine, your makeup brushes need one too.
And if you’re a makeup junkie like us, chances are your makeup stash is a complete mess. As much as we love to hog onto new makeup every month, storing our makeup brushes is a complete hassle.

Where you store your makeup brushes makes all the difference. Storing your brushes in direct to sunlight is a big NO, as they tend to collect a lot of dust and tend to fade over time. Store them in comparatively darker places to make them last longer. Keep your brushes in cool and dry places to keep them as less contaminated as possible. Keeping them in a humid place can contaminate it with bacteria and can cause problems to your skin
Storing your makeup brushes in a closed case.
If you've invested in quality makeup brushes, you know it's going to do your makeup for a good number of years. By investing in a Makeup Case, Not only do you save your brushes from the myriad of bacteria and dust, it also keeps your brushes intact and helps them go the distance. When it comes to space-saving storage solutions for makeup brushes, using a makeup pouch is perfect for throwing into a suitcase when traveling or in your purse everyday!
As important is the storing part, make sure you keep you clean and dry makeup brushes in the makeup case/ pouch. Here's how to clean your makeup brushes in a jiff.